
What is the Vertiflex™ Procedure?

The Vertiflex™ Procedure is a minimally invasive solution that uses the Superion™ Indirect Decompression System — a small interspinous spacer designed to lift pressure off the nerves in the lower back, helping to minimize or eliminate the symptoms of leg and back pain due to lumbar spinal stenosis.

Why is the Vertiflex™ Procedure used?

The Vertiflex™ Procedure is used for the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). Patients with LSS experience pain while walking, weakness or loss of balance, or numbness or tingling in legs, calves, or buttocks, and find relief in a flexed position.

Learn More

Dr. Julio Olaya does offer the Vertiflex™ Procedure in his practice which can provide the right patient candidates with relief to their pain. Simply download the brochure below and watch videos to learn more about the Vertiflex™ Procedure.

For questions about the Vertiflex™ Procedure, please call us at (501) 451-2500 or contact us online.

Vertiflex™ Procedure Brochure

Vertiflex™ Procedure Overivew

Vertiflex™ Procedure Implant Animation